Listen to Cathy & Lisa on a recent podcast episode, “Do you hear what I hear?”

Happy family outside hiking in Scottsdale, AZ

Hearing Aids

Discreet hearing aids for every need.

Hearing Aids in Scottsdale, AZ

We carry the most advanced hearing aid technology available. From Bluetooth hearing aids to rechargeable devices, new features have made hearing instruments better than ever. As a private hearing center, we have the ability to work with all of the major hearing aid manufacturers, offering you more options that can be custom tailored to you.

We are a Certified Lyric provider!

Styles of Hearing Aids

We carry all styles of hearing aids for sale, including the following:

Receiver-in-Canal hearing aid illustration

Receiver-in-Canal (RIC)

Receiver-in-Canal hearing aids are reliable and convenient. These have a lightweight feel to them and a flexible fit.
Behind-the-Ear hearing aid illustration

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

Behind-the-Ear hearing aids put you in control with customizable fit options, wireless connectivity, and easy volume control.

Completely-in-Canal Hearing aid illustration

Completely-in-Canal (CIC)

Completely-in-Canal hearing aids are sleek and subtle. This technology is molded to the unique contours of your ear for a superior fit that offers a natural look and hearing experience.

In-the-Canal hearing aid illustration

In-the-Canal (ITC)

In-the-Canal hearing aids are discreet and have a glasses-friendly fit with external controls.

In-the-Ear hearing aid illustration

In-the-Ear (ITE)

In-the-Ear hearing aids are custom molded for you. They are powerful and comfortable, allowing for all-day use.

Invisible-In-the-Canal (IIC)

Invisible-In-the-Canal hearing aids are the smallest hearing instrument available. These are for people who want ultimate discretion while benefiting from the natural acoustics of the external ear.

Open Behind-the-Ear hearing aid illustation

Open BTE

Open BTE are behind-the-ear devices that have an open fit. This type of hearing aid provides amplification via a small tube inserted into the ear canal.

Remote hearing aid illustation


Remote hearing aids feature Bluetooth capabilities and can be connected directly to your smartphone. With remote hearing aids we can provide adjustments to your hearing prescription remotely, so you don’t have to leave your home.

Hearing aid connected to smart phone via Bluetooth

Hearing Aid Technology

Technology is constantly evolving and so are hearing aids. Now, hearing technology has incredible features, such as rechargeable hearing aid batteries, streaming capabilities, and sleek designs. With Bluetooth hearing aids, you can now stream phone calls, music, and other audio straight to your ears! Advancements have made it easier to use hearing aids and to hear even better, no matter what kind of environment you are in.

Hearing aid connected to smart phone via Bluetooth
Different types of hearing aids lined up

Choosing the Right Hearing Aids

There are many styles, types, and models of hearing aids available. Our audiologist is an expert in hearing aid technology and will help you find the best device for your unique needs. When recommending hearing aids, we look at your degree of hearing loss (mild, moderate, severe), your lifestyle, and your budget.

Degree of hearing loss is one of the most important factors when deciding which hearing aid is right for you. More severe degrees of hearing loss require a higher level of technology to help you hear in different environments. The second factor that is important is your lifestyle or activity level. If you live an active and socially engaging lifestyle, then you will need a higher level of technology to keep up with you. Finally, we will consider your budget and how much you want to spend on hearing aids. We carry many devices at different price points and can help you find the best match.

Different types of hearing aids lined up
Hearing Instrument Specialist at Audiology of Scottsdale giving a hearing test to a patient

Lyric Invisible Hearing Aids

We are an exclusive, certified provider of Lyric, the only truly invisible hearing aid on the market.

Lyric is the only extended wear hearing aid that can be worn 24/7 without taking it out through daily activities, such as exercising or even showering! Lyric can be worn for up to 4 months at a time. While traditional hearing aids capture and process sound outside of the ear, Lyric uses the natural anatomy of the ear to amplify and give you a full, natural listening experience. And because Lyric is placed in the ear canal near the eardrum by a trained professional, it is the world’s only 100% invisible hearing aid.

Hearing Instrument Specialist at Audiology of Scottsdale giving a hearing test to a patient
Hearing aids and hearing aid batters on a table

Hearing Aid Batteries

Hearing aids require a constant power source which comes from a zinc battery. We carry all sizes of batteries for hearing aids at our office in Scottsdale. We also carry rechargeable hearing aid batteries. Rechargeable devices are a great option for those who don’t want to change tiny hearing aid batteries on a regular basis.